Archive for October, 2014

Want to help fact-check breaking news like the Malaysian airplane disaster? Here’s how and where you can do it

Posted in Uncategorized on October 5, 2014 by neandergal

Excellent article on fact checking the proliferation of information and separating mis/disinformation that can often litter our social-media news feeds.


By now, anyone who spends much time on social media has gotten pretty used to the deluge of information that occurs whenever there is a breaking-news event like the destruction of Malaysian flight MH17. Photos, videos and news reports about the details all go flying past in our streams, many of them from reliable sources — and yet a staggering proportion of them are wrong, either accidentally or in some cases deliberately. Photos are doctored, quotes manufactured and numbers invented.

One of the most crucial journalistic skills is sorting out what’s true and what’s not in such situations, and while many professional journalists may not like it, thanks to the internet anyone can do this job if they have the inclination, the tools and the time. No one illustrates that better than British blogger Brown Moses, also known as Eliot Higgins, who has gone from being an unemployed office…

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